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2012 – TABULA Event in Wels, Austria

Although the building stock situation and the renovation processes are different in each European country, the methods to assess them and to investigate improvement strategies are similar. To discuss these methodological questions, professionals from various European countries met at the

International Expert Workshop
"Energy Assessment of National Housing Stocks - Building Typologies"

29th February 2012
in Wels / AUSTRIA

in the framework of the „World Sustainable Energy Days 2012“

During the workshop experts shared insights into their approaches to set up building typologies and housing stock models, to collect the necessary data and statistics and to apply these instruments for the continuous development of policies and measures.

PDF Versions of the Presentations

Download from the Server of the Austrian Energy Agency


Download from the Server of the Austrian Energy Agency

Block I: The European Housing Stock - Overview and Typological Assessment

Oliver Rapf - Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) - Belgium 
"European Buildings under the Microscope" 


Tobias Loga - Institute for Housing and Environment (IWU) - Germany 
"National building typolgies: basis for energy consultancy and building stock models - the TABULA project"

Block II: TABULA Building Typologies in the respective National Context - Concepts and Application Fields

Elena Dascalaki - National Observatory of Athens (NOA) - Greece 
"Building typologies as a tool for energy consultancy and housing stock assessment – A case study for the Hellenic residential building stock"

Short presentations from Poland, Ireland, Slovenia, Italy, Czech Republic 

National Building Typologies development in the framework of the TABULA project - presentations by: 
Malgorzata Popiołek - National Energy Conservation Agency (NAPE) - Poland

Michael Hanratty - Energy Action - Ireland

Marjana Sijanec Zavrl - Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZRMK) - Slovenia

Vincenzo Corrado - Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) / Department of Energetics - Italy

Tomáš Vimmr - STU-K - Czech Republic 

Nele Renders - Flemish Institute of Technological Research (VITO) - Belgium
"Realistic saving potentials? The correlation of calculated and actual measured energy use" 

Block III: Methodical Challenges - Information about National Housing Stocks - EPC Database Analyses – Surveys

Manuel Casquiço - Agência para a Energia (ADENE) - Portugal 
"Statistical information from the Portuguese EPC database"

Maria Amtmann - Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) - Austria 
"Definition of average buildings - Statistical information from the Austrian EPC database - use for the building stock model Austria" 

Kim B. Wittchen - Danish Building Research Institute (SBi) - Denmark 
"Statistical information from the Danish EPC database - use for the building stock model Denmark" 

Nikolaus Diefenbach - Institute for Housing and Environment (IWU) - Germany 
"Data collection in the framework of a house owner survey - input for the building stock model Germany"

Block IV: Modelling Refurbishment Processes / Scenario Calculations

Gordon Sutherland - Executive Agency for Competitiveness & Innovation (EACI) - European Commission 
"EU Climate Protection Targets in the Building Sector – Policies and Measures" 

John Riley, Jack Hulme - Building Research Establishment (BRE) - United Kingdom 
"Characterisation of dwellings in the UK - determining the potential for enhanced energy efficiency"

Niko Heeren - ETH Zürich / Institut für Bau- und Infrastrukturmanagement - Switzerland
"Component-based building stock model for testing the targets of the Swiss 2000 Watt society" 

Lukas Kranzl - Technische Universität Wien - Austria 
"Modelling the impact of energy policies in the building sector"

Participants & Workshop Guide

Download: List of Participants (pdf) 
Download: Workshop Guide (pdf)

Organisation of the Workshop: Austrian Energy Agency
Veronika Wetsch, Maria Amtmann, Christina Spitzbart