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- EPISCOPE Experts' Workshop 2015
2015 – EPISCOPE Experts' Workshop in Brussels, Belgium
Towards an energy efficient European housing stock –
mapping, modelling and monitoring refurbishment processes
Wednesday, 18 November 2015, from 09:30 to 16:00, at L42, Rue de la Loi 42, Brussels
Making the energy-refurbishment processes in the European housing sector transparent and effective is a crucial step towards achieving the EU’s climate mitigation targets.
In this context, building stock models to assess refurbishment processes and plan future energy consumption are important to monitor progress on national and European level. Scenario analyses were conducted in 16 European countries to track the implementation of energy saving measures and their impact on consumption in practice. These findings can feed into the development of policies and steer refurbishment practices in a cost-efficient way while the modelling can evaluate the actual achieved energy savings.
The lessons learnt and best practice cases shared will ultimately support a long-term objective to install monitoring procedures in each European country in different fields: energy performance certificate databases, representative surveys, regional or national census, heating or energy bills, strategic asset development, energy management and more.
Leading experts and representatives from the European Commission discussed during this workshop: methods of building stock monitoring, scenario analyses of trends and perspectives of energy performance, and CO2 emissions. The discussion also highlighted necessary supporting policy actions.
The workshop was organised within the framework of the EU-funded project EPISCOPE.
PDF Versions of the Presentations
Plese find PDF versions of the slide and poster presentations shown at the workshop below:

10.00 | Welcome, Oliver Rapf/BPIE |
10.05 | Keynote, Philippe Moseley/EAMSE |
10.15 | EPBD & data needs, Vasco Ferreira/DG ENERG |
10.30 | Mapping, modelling and monitoring of residential building stocks in 16 European countries - an introduction to the EPISCOPE project, Britta Stein/IWU |
Morning Session:
Mapping and modelling of residential building stocks
(moderator: Oliver Rapf/BPIE)
10.45 | Indicators and "average buildings" to map and track the energy perforamance of building stocks, Vincenzo Corrado/POLITO, Italy |
11.00 | Use of building typologies and building stock models for (political) decision makers, Dusan Ignjatovic/University of Belgrade, Serbia |
11.15 | EPISCOPE scenario approaches and results - Introduction to poster session, Tobias Loga/IWU, Germany |
11.35 | Questions / Discussion |
12.00 | Poster Session |
Lunch |
Afternoon Session: Monitoring of building stocks - Lessons learned from data collection - a run through different approaches
(moderator: Elena Dascalaki/NOA)
13.30 | UK housing surveys. A national method to follow? John Riley & Jack Hulme/BRE, England |
13.45 | Use of different data sources for a local monitoring approach, Michael Hanratty/Energy Action, Ireland |
14.00 | Analysing the portfolio of a municipal housing agency, Otto Villatoro/STU-K, Czech Republic |
14.15 | Integrating data in an open source - The challenges ahead and repeating the benefits, Aleksandra Arcipowska/BPIE, Brussels |
14.30 | How to collect the necessary data to feed into the decision making process? Conclusions from EPISCOPE, Nikolaus Diefenbach/IWU, Germany |
14.45 | Questions / Discussion |
15.15 | Live demo of tools |
Networking coffee |
16.00 | End of workshop |
Organisation of the Workshop:
Buildings Performance Institute Europe