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Sources and References

Building Stock Analyses by Use of Typological Information – Studies on European Level


  • comparative national building stock analyses
  • building stock statistics
  • methodical issues

(publications in English, referring to more than one country)

Concerned Countries Title / Link Author / Editor / Institution Contents Date
27 European countries Europe’s buildings under the microscope. A country-by-country review of the energy performance of buildings

BPIE 2011
Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE), Bruxelles, Belgium

Marina Economidou, Bogdan Atanasiu, Chantal Despret, Joana Maio, Ingeborg Nolte, Oliver Rapf
1) statistics for the European building stock (residential and non-residential buildings); age profile; ownership; energy consumption; 2) policies and programmes; implementation of energy performance certificates; building code requirements; financial programmes; 3) roadmap 2050: scenario calculations; policy recommendations 2011-10
uk, fi, ca, us, be A review of bottom-up building stock models for energy consumption in the residential sector

Building and Environment, Volume 45, Issue 7, July 2010, Pages 1683-1697
M. Kavgic (a), A. Mavrogianni (a), D. Mumovic (a), A. Summerfield (b), Z. Stevano-vic (c) and M. Djurovic-Petrovic (d)
(a) The Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, University College London, London, UK / (b) UCL Energy Institute, University College London, London, UK / (c) Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, University of Belgrade, Serbia (d) Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Serbia
review of comprehensive building stock models; describes bottom-up and top-down methods; gives an overview of common bottom-up modelling techniques (statistical and building physics based); comparison of 5 building physics based bottom-up models focusing on the same building stock (UK case study) 2010-07
25 European countries Options to reduce the environmental impacts of residential buildings in the European Union - Potential and costs

Energy and Buildings, Volume 42, Issue 7, July 2010, Pages 976-984
Françoise Nemry (a), Andreas Uihlein (a), Cecilia Makishi Colodel (b), Christian Wetzel (c), Anna Braune (d), Bastian Wittstock (b), Ivana Hasan (c), Johannes Kreißig (d), Nicole Gallon (d), Sigrid Niemeier (c) and Yosrea Frech (c)
(a) Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, Sevilla, Spain / (b) LBP Department Life Cycle Engineering (LCE), University of Stuttgart, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany / (c) CalCon Deutschland AG, München, Germany / (d) PE International, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany
typology of buildings representative of the building stock for the EU-25; calculation of the life cycle impacts of the building types for different environmental impact categories both at building and EU-25 level;  allocation of the environmental impacts to single building elements; ventilation, heat losses through roofs and external walls were found as important for a majority of single- and multi-family houses 2010-07
24 European countries Use of Building Typologies for Energy Performance Assessment of National Building Stocks. Existent Experiences in European Countries and Common Approach (First TABULA Synthesis Report)
TABULA partners
1. Existent experiences with building typology approaches and examples from 24 European countries
2. Derived overview of application fields and target groups
3. Definition of a common building typology structure
4. Structure for statistical data
5. Guidance for the elaboration of a national building typology
pl, es, de Towards additional policies to improve the environmental performance of buildings
Part II: Quantitative assessment
Uihlein, Andreas; Eder, Peter /
European Commission
Joint Research Centre
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies

possible environmental and socio-economic effects for two types of measures:
1) requiring high thermal insulation levels when individual building elements have to be renovated,
2) accelerating the retrofitting of individual building elements according to high energy efficiency standards;
quantitative assessment for three example countries (Spain, Poland, Germany) by use of building stock models
at, fi, fr, de nl, se, ch, uk Building Renovation and Modernisation in Europe: State of the art review
OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
(report for ERABUILD)
1. Mapping of building typologies and stakeholder interests
2. Analysis of existing incentives and their impact on the renovation rate
3. Mapping of modernisation and renovation research
4. Recommendations about the most promising fields for future activities
15 + 8 European countries Climate protection in the EU building stock
version considering new EU member states:
Carsten Petersdorff, Thomas Boermans, Jochen Harnisch, Ole Stobbe, Simone Ullrich, Sina WartmannReport established by ECOFYS for EURIMA model of the EU-15 building stock: 5 house types (thereof 3 residential) + 3 climatic zones + 3 building age bands, definition of refurbishment measures and costs, technical potentials, phased development of the European building stock, conclusions and policy recommendations 2005-11

Online Data Portals for Buildings Performance

Overview of Online Data Portals for Buildings Performance
given by the Build Up Website:

Overview article Online data portals 19022013.pdf

Current Statistics on European Level


Odyssee - Energy Efficiency Indicators in Europe